The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full

This is "Momma" with all she has.
Satan is a liar plain and simple. He lies to us all. I have so many friends out on the streets that have believed his lies for years and years. Lie after painful lie they fall victom to his decieving ways.
Sound familiar? He lies to us all. He is here to steal, kill and destroy. Does it disturb you when someone lies to you or steals from you?
Does this disturb you?
I don't know this man but I know Satan has lied to him. The streets are like Satan's playground, there are so many lies told and so many steal, kill and destroy.
There's an upside to this whole lying delima. Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full. Strangely enough, for most people it's easier to believe Satan's lies than to believe that Jesus came to give us life to the full.
It happens a little at a time, one lie at a time. Lie after little lie it steals our happiness, kills our joy and destroys our souls. We see it often out in the streets. Dead, stolen souls. Their happiness and joy is gone. They walk through this world lifeless.
Some may ask how do you change it? How do you begin to help with such a huge problem? The answer is you don't. Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full.
You pray. You ask for mercy. You claim healing for these people and for Jesus to shed light on Satan's lies and for the eyes of those that are being lied to to be opened.
You love them. No matter how much they don't want to be loved, you love them as Jesus loves them and let His light shine through you. You could be the person God uses to expose light on Satan's lies.
Me & Momma
You don't have to go out on the streets to accomplish this. As I said before Satan Lies to us all. There's someone you know right now that is struggling with Satan's lies. You can be the light that exposes those lies.
Look at the world around you. Think smaller; look at your family, your friends, your co-workers. Think even smaller, look at yourself. What lie are you struggling with? Call it out for what it is. Satan is attacking all of us with his lies.
Jesus came so that we may have life, and have it to the full. Believe in this. Cry out for mercy. Reclaim your life in the name of Jesus and have it to the full.
Please be in prayer for those out on the streets and that day by day Satan's lies are exposed a little more.
Britney & Scottie
I love reading your posts. Thay always bring me to where I need to be and say what I need to hear. Thank you. Jenni
Satan is, indeed, a liar. But praise God, ..."greater is the One in you than the one who is in the world."
Great post!
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