Every once in a while God will let you see a tinny tiny glimpse of the "bigger picture".
He created us and is well aware of the fact we're not capable of wrapping our minds around the plans He has for us. BUT...Sometimes.....he lets us see just a glimpse of the bigger picture.
Bigger than the little bubble of our everyday routine. Bigger than you. Bigger than us. Bigger than the little pale blue dot we live on. God is so much bigger.
This life isn't easy. Everyone has trials. As different as they may be everyone has them. It's in these trials that you have a choice to find yourself. To find God. To fully rely on God for every move you make. When you're in total darkness and you don't know which way is up or down and you're hanging on to your faith by threads.....you find God.
Most of the time it's painful.
It's scary.
It sucks.
You can only see the nightmare in front of you.
The thing is God see's the bigger picture and He can see the rainbow when you're in the midst of the storm.
As painful as these trials are God sees you through it. It hurts. Physically, mentally and spiritually it hurts. But you get through it.
God can heal you in ways that are indiscribable.
I've gone through trials. Painful, heart breaking trials that are at sometimes still hard to swallow but I let my guard down. I broke down the walls that, what I thought, were protecting my heart and only then did the healing begin. I gave it all up. I COULD NOT TAKE IT ANYMORE.
When I gave it to God the healing began. In ways I can't even begin to explain.
On Easter Sunday God gave me a little glimpse of the bigger picture. Our friends from the streets, Kenneth and Denise came to church with us. Denise has a van and we invited them to come down to go to church with us and they showed up. I have to say it was the best Easter ever.

As we were singing in worship I looked over at Kenneth and saw his eyes and for a split moment God allowed me to see a glimpse of the bigger picture.
I could see.
I could see why God allowed Courtney to suffer and then take her home. I could see why God allowed my heart to crumble into pieces. I could see the answer to all those nights I laid in bed kicking and crying asking why. I could see a glimpse of why. I could see why God put it on my heart to go out on streets to Love people.
I could see what Todd meant when he pointed out the verse in John 15:16
"You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you to go and bear fruit- fruit that will last."
I could see why God choose me. If all that suffering and all that heart ache was to reclaim lost souls for the Glory of God then it was worth it.
I could see a glimpse of the bigger picture.
The beautiful thing about this is that GOD CHOSE YOU! You didn't choose Him, He chose you to go and bear fruit.

God chose you.
Britney and Scottie
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