Friday, January 11, 2008

New Year......

Well it's a new year and I will try to post more often than every 3 months. Sorry for such a gap. We've still been going to the streets but we have been crazy busy. The Lord has blessed us abundantly this past year and has kept us pretty busy. We got a new home that we've been working on and Scottie and I both started new jobs at the begining of January.
So again, I apologize for not posting and this year I will try to do better.
Britney and Scottie

1 comment:

Meg said...

hey... i decided to check in on your blog again... i commeneted you a while ago...

i don't know if you've heard about Mercy House.. but I've been going down there and helping and hanging out with the homeless for the past several saturdays.. it's pretty awesome... they have breakfast and lunch and in between they have a church service. they have it every saturday and sunday except the first weekend of the month... it's on west griffin behind dallas life.

just thought i'd let you know...

continue to do what we are called to do for His kingdom.. it's awesome.
